Advice for customers

within the meaning of Section 1811(2) and Section 1820(1) of Act. 89/2012 Coll., as amended (hereinafter the “Advice”)

from Real Estate Agency OPTUS Reality represented by Ms. Andrea Kublová, with registered office at Za Mlýnem 1596/3, Prague 4 – Braník, postal code 147 00, commercial ID 61043605, (hereinafter called the “Broker”)

and addressed to all prospective clients of Broker (hereinafter called the “Prospective Client”) who are in the position of consumers within the meaning of Section 419 of Act. 89/2012 Coll., as amended (hereinafter the “Civil Code”) and who are interested in concluding a brokerage contract with the Broker, and/or a contract on reservation of a real estate property (hereinafter called the “Contract”).

The Broker hereby an in accordance with the applicable legislation advises every Prospective Client, who intends to conclude the Contract with the Broker, that:

  • The Contract is governed by the Act. 39/220 Coll., Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act.
  • The subject of service offered by the Broker is the finding the opportunity to execute a Real Estate Agreement (i.e. purchase / lease / sublease contract, contract on the transfer of cooperative shares, etc.) with a third person. For more information about our services please visit the section Our services.
  • The subject of the Contract will be offered at the price defined in the Contract. The price for the service (hereinafter called the “Commission”) will be agreed in the specific Contract and payable on the day of conclusion of the Real Estate Agreement. The Commission can be paid only via bank transfer.
  • The Prospective Client’s rights in connection with any defective provision of services and terms of such rights are governed by Section 1914 et seq. of the Civil Code.
Special advice on the possibility of repudiation of a Contract if the Contract was concluded off the Broker´s customary business premises (see additionally Section 1828(2) of the Civil Code):

  • If the Contract was concluded off the Broker’s customary business premises, the Prospective Client has the right to repudiate the Contract (without giving reasons) within 14 days after the day following the conclusion of the Contract. The Contract repudiation notification must be sent before the appropriate time limit expires, otherwise the repudiation will be invalid.
  • For the purpose of exercising the right to repudiate the Contract the Prospective Client must unilaterally inform the Broker of his/her decision to repudiate the Contract, e.g. by a letter sent by post or e-mail.
  • The Broker expressly advices the Prospective Client that he/she will not have a right to repudiate:
    • a Brokerage Contract if the Prospective Client requested that the provision of services begin during the time limit for repudiating the Brokerage Contract and the Broker brokered a person interested in the real estate property at the latest on the day preceding the sending of the repudiation notification;
    • a Reservation Contract, if the Prospective Client requested that the provision of services begin during the time limit for repudiating the Reservation Contract and the purpose of services begin during this time limit and the Real Estate Agreement was signed between the property owner and the Prospective Client.

If a consumer dispute concerning Contract arises between the Broker and the consumer and this dispute cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer may file a petition for extrajudicial settlement of the dispute with Czech Commercial Inspectorate, of registered office Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2,